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Got a Big AC Repair Quote? Here’s Why

Your AC stops working, so you call for repairs just like anyone else would. The technician comes out, you’re ready to hear the quote, and then the number shocks you.

Why is it so expensive this time when it wasn’t last time? It’s probably because that air conditioner is due to be replaced sooner than you might think. We’ll explain why air conditioning repair might not be your best choice right now.

It Depends on the Repair Quote

If you were quoted a high amount, you need to compare it against the cost of a brand new air conditioner. If the repair quote is 50% of the cost of a new unit, it’s better to go with a replacement.

So why is this? Because it’s not like this is the last air conditioner repair bill you’re ever going to see. There’s a certain amount of wear and tear damage that builds over time, and it means that your air conditioner may not be worth repairing depending on its age and the severity of the damage.

Wear and Tear is Inevitable

You can’t help but fall subject to wear and tear damage. It happens to everything you own, from your car to your microwave and even your clothing. With your air conditioner, you have about 10–15 years of life in your unit.

That’s because no matter how good you are about scheduling maintenance and being timely with repairs, there’s a certain level of damage that can’t be undone. Not completely.

While some air conditioners may last more than 15 years, that’s a very small percentage of units. It’s not about manufacturing; it’s simply usage plus time. Start planning for your replacement now if you haven’t already.

Consider It an Energy Efficiency Upgrade

If you know that a replacement is the best option, but you’re struggling to “pull the trigger” on that decision, you’re not alone. It’s a lot all at once, but it could actually save you money in the long haul.

As of January 1st, 2023, air conditioner manufacturers now have to adhere to SEER2, an energy efficiency standard of a higher caliber than the previous SEER system. This means that there’s a new standard for how energy efficient air conditioners must be before they can even be sold.

In short, it means you now have more energy efficient options than ever before, and if your AC is around 10 years old (or older), there’s sure to be a boost in performance with a new unit. As standards raise, your energy bills should lower.

Repair vs. Replacement: A Tough Call to Make

Your HVAC technician can recommend a specific path based on what they find in your AC, but it’s up to you to make the final choice. If a replacement looks like the best option, find a way to make it happen so you don’t get stuck with another big repair bill (or an even bigger one) in the not-so-distant future.

Contact Associated Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today to schedule your AC repair or replacement as soon as possible.

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