How Zone Control Helps Your Heating Bill

November 15th, 2023

You turn on your heater, let it flow into every room of your house (even the ones you’re not using right now), and… that’s it. That’s just how it goes. But have you ever stopped to think about how much money that wastes on a daily basis? How much worse is that during really cold days in the dead of winter?

We install zone control systems in Eugene, OR so that homeowners can have more control over how they heat and cool their homes. You can custom tailor your heating and cooling solutions even more than you can right now. If you’ve never heard zone control systems or you’re just wondering how they help with your bills, let us explain.

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The Holidays and Your HVAC System

November 8th, 2023

The Holidays and Your HVAC System

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, many households are getting ready for a festive celebration. Thanksgiving is filled with delicious meals and quality time with family and friends. While the focus is often on turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie, it’s crucial not to overlook the importance of your home’s HVAC system during the holiday season. At Associated Heating & Air Conditioning, your indoor comfort is our number one priority. Here are some essential tips for your HVAC system to ensure a comfortable and stress-free Thanksgiving celebration.

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10 Days of Giving | Canned Food Drive

November 1st, 2023
Associated Heating & Air Conditioning's annual 10 Days of Giving canned food drive for Food for Lane County

We are so excited to announce that we are hosting a canned food drive for Food for Lane County during our 10 Days of Giving event! Associated Heating & Air Conditioning will collect canned goods and non-perishable food items in our office from November 1-10, 2023! If you’d like to get involved, there are three ways that you can give back to our community!

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Celebrating Our October Employee of the Month

October 26th, 2023
October 2023 Employee of the Month, Chris, accepting his award from Associated Heating & Air Conditioning in Eugene, Oregon.

We have the best team and we celebrate them in many ways– including our Employee of the Month Award! A new recipient is awarded at our monthly meeting by the outgoing titleholder, who then gets to choose who they’d like to pass the title to. It’s important to our company that this award remains employee-driven. This makes it a fun way to move the award throughout all of the different departments we have.

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The Ultimate Comfort Solution: Ducted HVAC Systems

October 19th, 2023

When it comes to keeping your home comfortable year-round, few options can rival the efficiency and versatility of a ducted HVAC system. These centralized heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems have become increasingly popular for homeowners looking to optimize their indoor climate control. In this blog post, we’ll explore the numerous benefits of having a ducted HVAC system installed in your home.

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5 Reasons to Change Your Electrical Panel

October 12th, 2023

Your electrical panel, also known as the breaker box or fuse box, is the heart of your home’s electrical system. It plays a crucial role in distributing power safely to all your appliances and devices. However, like all things, electrical panels have a lifespan. There are several reasons why you might consider changing yours. In this blog post, we’ll explore five reasons to upgrade your electrical panel for the safety and efficiency of your home.

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Join Us at the Lane County Home Improvement Show

October 5th, 2023

39th Annual Lane County Home Improvement Show

Come and see us this weekend at the Lane Events Center for the 39th Annual Lane County Home Improvement Show! We are so excited for the Fall show and have gone all-out with special offers, prize drawings, and exclusive deals for show attendees only! We’ve doubled the size of our booth in honor of our newly introduced Electrical Division!

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Celebrating Our September Employee of the Month

September 28th, 2023
September 2023 Employee of the Month, Kim, accepting her award from Associated Heating & Air Conditioning in Eugene, Oregon.

We have the best team at Associated Heating & Air Conditioning! As a way to celebrate them, we launched our Employee of the Month Award. A new recipient is awarded at our monthly meeting by the outgoing title-holder, who gets to choose who they’d like to pass the torch to. This award is employee-driven, which makes it a fun way to move the award throughout different departments within our company.

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3 Odd Reasons Your Furnace Isn’t Starting

September 21st, 2023

Your furnace is pretty reliable and powerful. It springs into action every time you need it, but it can run into trouble from time to time. The problems don’t always present in a normal way, though, and it’s important to know what to look for so you can spot those uncommon furnace issues.

While these problems all result in furnace repair in Eugene, OR, it’s good for you to know whether or not the problem you’re facing is a real threat to your furnace, or if it’s just a minor inconvenience. Let’s talk about that.

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5 Sounds Your Heater Shouldn’t Make

September 14th, 2023

Your heater may make some noise when it whirs up for a cycle, maybe you notice when it kicks on, then the noise fades into the background. That’s what happens for most people, but when your heater makes noises that constantly catch your attention, that’s a red flag that needs some attention.

If your heater is making some of these odd noises, you may need heating repair before you know it. Let’s run through them so you can know what to listen for.

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